New Era

Things are changing fast and before we know it, our jobs and the way we interact will put us in the corner and we would not have any choice than succumb to the situation we are in.  Should we be in an Active or Reactive mode in respect to our surroundings? we all have the combination of these two modes, but don’t we know that those who are Active in their responses to the occurrences and the trends would have the upper hand in life?  Wouldn’t the Active people be better prepared for the unknowns when they have the habit of seeing the trends and taking actions accordingly?  We all know that, don’t we? we all know that those who take the first step immediately learn what does not work for them?  Wouldn’t that be a great lesson in life to adapt and find the working solution for their decisions by deductive approach? If only we practice the habit of finding what doesn’t work for us and try to find what could work for us, we would succeed.  This is what I tried to teach my soccer teams at AYSO in Irvine for many years by not being timid in taking action. It’s parents’ responsibility to create an environment which allows their kids take actions and crush their fears by finding out what didn’t work!  

This philosophy and approach in life would strengthen our brains and would become part of our character by practicing what we think we know and allow our kids to become courageous in making decisions in life.  There’s no other way!  Let’s help each other and make sure our kids don’t get behind in life and start learning about their dreams and careers at early age!